Jeremiah 37

This talk was given last October to a group of Christadelphians as part of a series on Jeremiah. Jeremiah may have been sent to the children of Israel 2000 years ago to warn them of the impending invasion by the Babylonians, but it is just as relevant to us now. The world is becoming more and more anti-religion, men standing up in their own strength to reject the creator of the universe. Nations who were founded on the law of Moses and drifting further away from their foundations and creating their own justice and legal systems that exclude religion. We are in a world that rejects God and his ways, therefore the words of Jeremiah are exhortation for us in our day.
(You can also download this talk as a pdf)

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Mark the Servant

This talk was given to a group of Christadelphians last October (PDF). The aim of the talk was to see how Christ is portrayed in the gospel of Mark and what we could learn from him. As an opening reading we read Mark 12:1-12.


The gospel of Mark was written before the Roman invasion of Jerusalem, and deals specifically, in the first instance, with the events to happen in that day and age… before the Romans would come to remove the mosaic heavens and earth (as alluded to in the letter to the Hebrews).

Amongst the four Gospels Mark’s stands out as the shortest. As with all Scripture, the scope and purpose is very precise and accurate with no contradictions, and can be summarised in the parable of the Vineyard.

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Mary, Martha & Lazarus – the family in Bethany

Background to the gospel narrative

Before we look at Lazarus and his family, let us first establish the broader context: which can be summed up in the parable of the Vineyard (Mark 12). The “vineyard of Yahweh of Armies is the house of Israel, and the men of Judah his pleasant plant”, planted in the land and protected from the animal like nations surrounding it (Isa 5). The nation was not ready for the Father to dwell in their midst, his vineyard was “let out to husbandmen”, who initially, were the priesthood who were to minister unto the vine and nurture it to maturity. Continue reading

Melchi-Zedek: King of Rightiousnes

Again, another bible class. It was written and given as a public talk but posted here in case anyone else would care to read it. This subject was a delight to study, especially in such exciting times where prophecy is speedily becoming a reality as we know with all certainty that it will.


Melchizedek is explicitly mentioned in three sections of scripture. The historical record of Melchizedek is found in Genesis 14, Then the sweet psalmist of Israel picks up the theme and links it to Christ in the millenium – Psalm 110. And finally, Paul in Hebrews 5 to 7, ties the theme together expounding many parts of these two earlier passages, showing that indeed Jesus was the Christ – the anointed king – foretold by the prophets.

Paul tells us that Melchizedek was:

Heb 7:3 Without father, without mother, without descent, having neither beginning of days, nor end of life; but made like unto the Son of God; abideth a priest continually.

Melchizedek was a man and therefore undoubtedly had parents, probably even children. Paul’s point is that Melchizedek has been made to look like Christ… he is a type of Christ! Hence all the details, or in this case, lack of them, are recorded for that purpose… nothing is left to chance in scripture. I’d like to look at both the prophecy and the exhortation. Continue reading

Virtuous Woman – אשת חיל


“A virtuous Woman is a crown crown to her husband” (Prov 12:4)

In summary, the “virtuous” woman represents the multitudinous people taken by the Messiah in marriage as his queen. Those who will with Yashua as he reigns from Zion, from the throne of his father David.

Our subject is taken from proverbs 31. We do not have enough time to look at every verse in detail, that would require many evenings as we shall see. So we will have to suffice with a more thematic approach, just brushing the surface. My aim is to wet your appetite for further personal study. Continue reading